Hey everyone!
I hope your weekend is going well.
I have some news regarding this site. Thanks to a friend of the blog, I have just been made aware that at least 16 states in the U.S. have implemented “Age Verification” laws. So, in the next day or so, to help protect myself and this site, I will be adding an age verification page. I will be honest, I am not 100% sure how well it will work, or if there will be problems loading the site for you. If you discover that you are having issues with it, please do not hesitate to let me know by sending me an e-mail at boyohboi@gmail.com. I hope you all can understand why I need to add this, and I hope it is not too much of an inconvenience!
- My, how times have changed!
- Whatever happend to these… and teeter totters?
- Some of these are “old” ones…
- 1, 2, 3, NOT IT!
- Oh WOW! I HATED these things!
- I never liked afternoon classes. I am a morning person!
- So accurate!
- I might just need to start watching this…
- Boy, am I in trouble…
- Well, HELLO there!
- Yep! Sounds like me!
- Every fricking day!
- Pretty, but looks painful!
- HA!