Cute guys, polls, Sunday Funnies, and MORE...

Who Would You Do? Version 27

Happy Wednesday!

I MAY have done it! I MAY have fixed the problem with you guys not being able to leave comments!!!!!!!!!!! I have been working on this since I was first alerted to it back in June! I have tried many, MANY different things to try to get things working again, nothing worked until TODAY! (I HOPE!)

Thank you for your patience while I tried to fix this problem. Now, if you guys could PLEASE try leaving me comments, I would appreciate it VERY much! I miss hearing from you all!!!

Anyway, it is time for the weekly polls!

In the first poll, I am going to choose “Swimmer Boy 1”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I think I will go with “Naked Boy 6” (the guy in the front).

So, Who Would YOU Do?

Sunday Funnies


I hope your weekend is going well!

Here are the funnies for this week!

Self Portrait Saturday

Hey guys!

How is everyone doing?

Here are the selfies for this week!


Who Would You Do? Version 26

Hey guys!

I am glad to see you! Well, not actually SEE you… I don’t have access to your webcam… or DO I? lol I am just glad you are here!

I hope your week is going well so far! It is half over – The weekend is almost here!

Here are the polls for this week!

In the first poll, after a LONG, HARD look… I have decided to pick “Winner Boy 1”, but 2 and 7 were a close second and third.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I should have saved the “LONG HARD” joke for this photo 😜. I am torn between #1 and #4, but I think I will go with “Naked Boy 4” as my final answer.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

Sunday Funnies


Be sure to take some time for yourself today!!!


Self Portrait Saturday

Well, it is Saturday again! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend! We are currently having Autumn like weather, which is SOOOO nice! But it won’t last, I’m sure. Oh well. Only 109 days until Christmas! lol.

Enjoy your selfies!


Who Would You Do? Version 25

Happy Wednesday!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I really didn’t do too much except take Bonnie to the dog park a couple of times. She really doesn’t play with the other dogs as much as we would like her to but she loves to run in the tall grass and the wooded areas. My friend/roommate, Jason and I get a little stressed with her going into the wooded areas because neither of us like it when she is out of view – even though the entire park is fenced off so she wouldn’t escape. We are overprotective parents… lol.

On a side note, I have noticed for a while that Poll #1 always seems to get more people voting on it than Poll #2. I don’t really know why, and it is not a big deal, just something that I am curious about. Anybody want to speculate? (You probably STILL can’t leave a comment, so if you want to send me your ideas as to why, just drop me an email to:

Anyway, here are the polls for this week. I went with a “Retro” theme. I hope you guys like the choices.

In the first poll, I am going to choose “Sailor Boy 2”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I am going to go with “Nature Boy 4”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

Sunday Funnies


I can’t believe this summer is over (at least in the northern hemisphere)! I KNOW we will still be getting some very hot days yet, unfortunately. But autumn is coming next!!!

I wanted to let you know that over the next week or so I will be making some blog modifications which may change (a little or a lot) the way the site looks. I have been trying to get the comments to work consistently but have been unable to figure it out. SO, I am going to try changing entire setup. Please let me know if you like the changes (once they happen) or not and please let me know if something is not working. If you are unable to leave a comment with the information, please send me an e-mail to:


Have a great rest of your weekend!


Self Portrait Saturday

Hello there!

Thankfully my wrist is starting to feel a little better. Thank you to everyone who sent well wishes!

Here are the Selfies for this week!


Who Would You Do? Version 24

Hey guys!

A day late and a dollar short, as they say! Here are the polls for this week!

In the first poll, I am going to choose “Lake Boy 4”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I am going with “Naked Boy 2”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

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