Sunday Funnies


I am still looking for the problem with the comments, but I did discover that if you click a picture, you SHOULD be able to comment on that picture… I’ll get it figured out; I promise.

Now, time for some Sunday Funnies!

Self Portrait Saturday

Hi there!

I hope all my American friends out there are having a nice Independence Day weekend! The rest of the World, I hope your weekend is great too! Did anyone do anything fun? I stayed in as much as possible because it was hot and to kind of shield Bonnie from the noises of the fireworks.

I have been notified by some users that the site is not allowing people to post comments. I am trying to figure out what the problem is so I can fix it. Please bear with me! Thanks!

Anyway, I hope fun was had!

Here are this week’s selfie’s!


Who Would You Do? Version 16

Hi everyone!

I hope your week is going well.

How was the Age Verification process for everyone? Did anyone have any problems with it? If you did, please let me know.

Here are the polls for this week! I wanted to give you guys some options this week so there are 2 more polls than usual. Enjoy!

In the first poll, I will be choosing “All of the Above”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I am going to choose “Pool Boy 1”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the third poll, I am going with “Beach Boy 3”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

And finally, in the fourth poll I am going to choose “Lake Boy 3” although “Lake Boy 2” came in a close second!

So, Who Would YOU Do?

Sunday Funnies

Hey everyone!

I hope your weekend is going well.

I have some news regarding this site. Thanks to a friend of the blog, I have just been made aware that at least 16 states in the U.S. have implemented “Age Verification” laws. So, in the next day or so, to help protect myself and this site, I will be adding an age verification page. I will be honest, I am not 100% sure how well it will work, or if there will be problems loading the site for you. If you discover that you are having issues with it, please do not hesitate to let me know by sending me an e-mail at I hope you all can understand why I need to add this, and I hope it is not too much of an inconvenience!


Self Portrait Saturday

Hey there everybody!

How’s it hanging? I hope all of you who are in the Hot Zones are finding ways to stay cool! Our air conditioner has been going non-stop! Not looking forward to the electric bill next month!! But at least I have A/C, which I am very grateful for… I’m sure a lot of you don’t have it. I’m not sure how I would cope if I had to sweat it out. I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time sleeping when it is too hot in the apartment.

I thought I would share a picture I just took of Bonnie and one of her squirrel friends. They stop by to torment her every morning. LOL!

This Sunday is the Pride Parade in Chicago. We are not going this year due to the lack of funds this month, but if you go, please let me know how it was!

Anyway, here are your Selfies for this week!


Who Would You Do? Version 15

Hi again!

I hope you all are starting to cool off. At least for a day or two.

Here are this week’s polls!

In the first poll, I am going to choose “Shy Boy 2”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I think I will go with “All of the Above”!

So, Who Would YOU Do?

Sunday Funnies

Self Portrait Saturday

Hey guys!

Sorry for the late post (again)! Time got away from me this week.

Is everyone staying cool? Yeah, me neither! And there is really no relief in sight. But I guess I will take this heat over the 20 below zero that winter has to offer! What are some of the ways you are trying to chill?

I also wanted to take a minute to say something. Some of you have either sent me an e-mail or left a comment regarding the age of some of the guys posted. I ALWAYS welcome the e-mails and comments and I also respect your thoughts when you say you think someone may look underage. If you see a picture you are concerned about, PLEASE let me know and I will remove it immediately. The last thing I want to do is to post someone who is not old enough. I like your help because, after SOOOO many years of posting and viewing SOOOO many pictures, I might not notice. After a while, all these pics can become a big blur. But I will NEVER knowingly post someone who is underage. I find all these pics on other personal blogs and commercial sites, and I assume (which I probably shouldn’t do) that everyone is posting guys of legal age. But I am not perfect, and I can miss something or not notice something that others may. So, as they say, “If you see something, say something”. I want this site to keep going and would LOVE your help to make sure it does!

Thanks for reading! Now, on with the selfies! As an apology for the late post, I included a few extra pics this week.


Who Would You Do? Version 14

Why HELLO there! When did you get here?

Can you believe that the month of June is more than half over? Christmas is only 189 days (or so) away! 🎄❄️🎅 I know a lot of you are wishing for snow already! MAN it is FUCKING HOT here! It is not QUITE triple digits, but close enough for me! It is days like these that make me REALLY miss California!!! 🌴🌊 I could go for a nice cool Pacific Ocean breeze right about now!

Oh well, speaking of hot…

Here are the polls for this week!

In the first poll, I am going to choose “Lifeguard Boy 6”. I wish I could see more of him!

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I am going to go with “Porn Boy 1”. He is making me SWEAT! Either that or it is the fact that it is 92 degrees out and I still have to walk Bonnie! 🥵🌵🌶️🔥🤬

Sunday Funnies

I hope everyone stays COOL this week! It’s going to be a HOT one here!

Enjoy your Sunday!