Self Portrait Saturday

Happy Saturday!

We made it through another week. Yay! I hope you are all enjoying the start of your weekend.

Enjoy your Saturday Selfies!


Self Portrait Saturday

Welcome to the first Self Portrait Saturday of 2025!

I added a few extra pics just for good measure!


Self Portrait Saturday

Well, it’s over… only 362 days (or so) until Christmas!!! I hope Santa brought you everything from your wish list! And if you were too bad for Santa to bring you anything, then I have the phone numbers of a more than a few guys that would like to speak to you!!! lol.

Is ANYONE doing ANYTHING special for New Year’s Eve? I will more than likely be in bed by 9pm. 🤣⌚🍾🥂🎉

Enjoy your selfies!


Self Portrait Saturday

Twas the Saturday before Christmas, and all over the net
were tons of nice people, who were not on a jet.
The selfies were posted, and page after page
there were lots of hot guys, ‘cuz of the digital age.

Rhyming is hard and hurts my big head
So, I am ending this poem, for I need to be fed.
Bonnie says “HI” and Jason does too
My dinner is nothing but a big pile of goo!

I thought this would be funny, now if fills me with dread.
I think I should get my big butt to bed.
But before I depart, I just wanted to say
Merry Christmas to you and have a Happy Holiday!  🎄🕎


That is all I have in me tonight!

Enjoy your weekend and all the selfies!


Self Portrait Saturday

HEY everyone!

How have you been? Is your week going well? Are you guys ready for the upcoming holidays? I can’t believe that the end of 2024 is rapidly approaching!! One thing is for sure, 2025 will be an interesting year, won’t it? Anybody have any fun plans? Jason, Bonnie and I will probably be staying home this year. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Here are your Selfies for this week!

Have a great weekend!


Self Portrait Saturday

Happy Saturday Guys!

How was everyone’s week? Mine was busy and I FINALLY got the cortisone injection I have been needing. Things are starting to feel better, now for how long, who knows…

I hope everyone is staying warm and dry – or cold and wet, if that’s your thing… lol.

Have a GREAT weekend!


Self Portrait Saturday

Hey guys.

I FINALLY got a little relief for my sore wrist. It still hurts, but much less than it did before.

I hope everyone is having a GREAT weekend! Did anyone eat too much for Thanksgiving? Yeah, me too!

Enjoy your Saturday!


Self Portrait Saturday

Happy Saturday!!!

We had our first snowfall of the season the other day. Have I mentioned I hate snow – except maybe at Christmas? Oh well, I guess I will need to get used to it.

I thought I would post a couple recent pictures of my love, Bonnie. I hope you like them.

Now here is the juicy stuff!
Enjoy your weekend!!!

Self Portrait Saturday

Happy Saturday everyone!

I hope you are all having a good weekend so far!

Once again, I am experiencing some severe wrist pain. I am going to get another cortisone injection, but apparently you can only get another one after 3 months. So, I have to wait until December 5th. I have been trying to kill the pain with everything I can think of – at least the over-the-counter stuff… but nothing is working. So, I guess I wait until December.

Anyway, enjoy your weekend!


Self Portrait Saturday

I was going to post a LONG post today regarding the election… But, I figure you guys come here for pictures not political commentary. IF you would like to discuss the results – feel free to e-mail me at

Enjoy the selfies!