Sunday Funnies

Hey everyone!

I cannot tell you how surprised BUT grateful for the comments and e-mails about yesterday’s post. I knew a LOT of you were probably feeling something similar, but for so long (at least when I grew up) you NEVER talked about politics, sex, or religion (not to mention sex with religious politicians… lol). Today I feel that we NEED to talk about politics (you are on your own with religion). If we do not talk about it and pretend everything is OK then we have already lost America.

ANYWAY, I said I was going to TRY not to make this site all about politics, so I will stop there for today. If anyone out there chooses to engage in further discussion, feel free to drop me an e-mail at

So HERE are your Funnies for this Sunday! I was feeling a little generous so there are a couple more than usual.


2 thoughts on “Sunday Funnies

  1. What? Sex with a religious politician? WHAAAATT?
    Traitor! Degenerate! Blasphemer! Off with his head! Off with his knee! Off with any part of him you can grab! Don’t be particular!
    You’ll see, America will maintain its august dignity against the blasphemers — all the way to the garbage heap.

  2. You mean there was a time before calculators? Oh yeah, my great-great-grandfather used to mentioin a thing called a “slide rule.” I thought it was a skating maneuver, but maybe I was wrong.

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