Sunday Funnies

Enjoy your Sunday!

Sunday Funnies

Enjoy your last day of freedom for the week! 😁

Sunday Funnies

Well, it is Sunday!

Grab a cup of coffee or coco and get ready for some FUNNIES!

Sunday Funnies

Well, it is Sunday again! A new week starts tomorrow. Let’s hope it is better than the last one!

Have a GREAT one!


Sunday Funnies

Because who couldn’t use a good laugh!!!


Sunday Funnies

Hey guys!

I hope your Sunday is off to a roaring start! Today’s funnies have some “Halloween Leftovers”, some of which were sent to me from a friend of the site! More people should send me memes for the Sunday Funnies! I love when you do!

Also, I thought I would include a few recent pics of Bonnie. And as she is “Number 1” in my life, I am posting her pictures first!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!


Sunday Funnies

Happy Sunday!

Well, so far so good! The new gallery slideshow seems to be working… AND you should be able to right-click and save the image. I know I have said that before, but let’s hope this time it is true!

Enjoy your week!


Sunday Funnies

Happy Sunday!

Well, it appears I spoke too soon…  The site is STILL not working the way it should.  Sorry.  I really am working on trying to get things fixed.  It is just taking longer than I thought it would.  Please be patient, but also, PLEASE let me know when things are not working.  You can leave a comment, but please also know that I usually have to manually approve the comments before they get posted, which means they may not appear right away.  You can also always send me an e-mail to:

I try to respond to all e-mails in a timely manner but sometimes that takes longer than I would like as well.

Thanks for your patients!!!

Have a WONDERFUL day!

Sunday Funnies

Hey guys!

Well, another week is about to start… But before it does, enjoy some Sunday Funnies!!!

Oh! And thanks to a friend of the blog, I have a MUCH easier workaround for right-clicking so you can access the “Save Image As” menu. If you have the carousel open to swipe pictures (like for Self Portrait Saturday), just right click towards the BOTTOM of the image you would like to save. You SHOULD get the “Save Image As” option. Please let me know if this does not work for you. I am still trying to get rid of the problem but wanted to give you an option in the meantime!

Enjoy your week!!!



Wordplay Meme Answers

👉Looking good👈
👉Wake up👈
👉Tuna fish👈
👉Foreign language👈
👉Sea horse👈
👉Middle Ages👈
👉Big heart👈
👉Sea saw👈
👉Missing you👈
👉Tea bag👈


Sunday Funnies


I hope you are all having a great weekend!

I also want you to know that I am aware that you guys cannot scroll or swipe through the picture like you could before. I am sorry about that. The program that I used to use to allow you to do that WAS free… NOW they want to charge a fee. I am currently trying to find a replacement program to put into place, but it may take me a week or so. Please be patient with me. I know that it makes looking at the pics so much easier and I really want to bring it back.

Anyway, enjoy your Sunday and the upcoming week!




Wordplay Meme Answers

👉Four-wheel drive👈
👉Apple Pie👈
👉Up to you (s) (must be from Philly “youz guys”)👈
👉Robin Hood👈
👉Afternoon Tea👈
👉Camping Overnight👈
👉Time to go👈
👉Long Time No See👈