Well, it is Sunday again.
I know this is a “Funnies” post, but I just received word from a friend of the blog who has lost his home and all his precious memories in the unprecedented wildfires devastating Southern California. Luckily, he and his family are safe. Words cannot fully capture the depth of sorrow I feel for the immense loss and suffering caused by these wildfires. My deepest compassion goes out to all those affected.
I also know that tragedies happen every day all over the World, from the Middle East, to Ukraine, and the recent hurricanes that hit the Southeast part of the United States. Every time I turn on the news there is something else that hurts my heart. I literally can only watch the news for about 5 minutes.
Please consider helping someone in some way, even if it is just to make a phone call to say “Hello”. If you are wanting to help, there are lots of wonderful charities out there. Remember that your kindness can be contagious, and the World needs a LOT more kindness!
I kind of thought that a you guys could use the extra chuckles, so there are a LOT of funnies today!
Sending my love to EVERYONE!
Walmart is a good “social experiment”…
That was me!
This is what I always tell my bank account!
Just like magic!
You would think I was powering a small country!
Where do I apply???
Mmmm… Bacon!
Live for today!
Mmmm… KFC!
Kale??? YUCK! 🤢🤮
Things that make you go, hmmm…
Something tells me this would get you a ticket!
How did I EVER learn English!
I NEVER know which to use!
My typical day…
The cat is a real “dickhead”.
How the lion became top of the food chain…
The circle of life!
Theatre people taste GREAT!
It is exactly how I want to be!
I wonder if anyone has made a Lego dildo? Wait, what am I saying? Of course they have!
The perfect cookies for Valentines Day!
HA! Remember this for next year!
Well, it is true!
Hmmm… good point!
Ummm… YUCK! 🤢🤮
What a waste! LOL!
He is going to NEED it this week!
FUCK! I HATE winter!