Hey guys!
I am feeling even better today! And I think a little of my sense of smell and taste are coming back! Yay!
I hope everyone is having a good weekend!
- The story of my nose…
- But I will STILL be there!
- Yes, commas are important!
- What goes around, comes around…
- What a dilemma!
- I got tied up with Brendan…
- I would have said “WHAT???”
- “Take me to your leader”
- I know some of those people!
- Kind of true!
- Well, if you say so…
- Yeah, I’d be in trouble…
- What? Are you NUTS?!
- So, what’s the problem…
- Every child has to learn that life is not always fair…
- This hurts on so many levels…
Now then, are you implying that German words are… loooooonnnnnggggg? Are you? Huh? You know what happens to people who imply things about German words? … Uh, I don’t know either. But that means that nobody ever survived it, see?
(Try looking up Mark Twain’s comments about German.)
LOL! I studied German in high school because I was working as a dishwasher at a German restaurant and Helga and her mother (we just called her mother), would CONSTANTLY be talking in German – say my name – and then start laughing… I wanted to try and find out what they were laughing about! I will be honest; I did not do so well in that class! Mark Twain had a LOT to say about the German language! My personal favorite was “Personal pronouns and adjectives are a fruitful nuisance in this language and should have been left out”. It was the fact that you had to conjugate you verbs based on whether something or someone was perceived to be male or female. I could NOT get the hang of it! I wish I would have!
Heartfelt sympathy! Many languages have masc.-fem. conjugations, and all I can say is that you get used to it after a while. Obviously it goes back to early man’s thoughts about the world around him, and so is very significant, but that reflection doesn’t help much in practical terms. You just take it in stride, along with tenses, subordinate clauses, and other symptoms of human insanity.