Cute guys, polls, Sunday Funnies, and MORE...

Sunday Funnies

Hey guys!

Well, another week is about to start… But before it does, enjoy some Sunday Funnies!!!

Oh! And thanks to a friend of the blog, I have a MUCH easier workaround for right-clicking so you can access the “Save Image As” menu. If you have the carousel open to swipe pictures (like for Self Portrait Saturday), just right click towards the BOTTOM of the image you would like to save. You SHOULD get the “Save Image As” option. Please let me know if this does not work for you. I am still trying to get rid of the problem but wanted to give you an option in the meantime!

Enjoy your week!!!



Wordplay Meme Answers

👉Looking good👈
👉Wake up👈
👉Tuna fish👈
👉Foreign language👈
👉Sea horse👈
👉Middle Ages👈
👉Big heart👈
👉Sea saw👈
👉Missing you👈
👉Tea bag👈


Self Portrait Saturday

Hey guys!

Oh! And thanks to a friend of the blog, I have a MUCH easier workaround for right-clicking so you can access the “Save Image As” menu. If you have the carousel open to swipe pictures, just right click towards the BOTTOM of the image you would like to save. You SHOULD get the “Save Image As” option. Please let me know if this does not work for you. I am still trying to get rid of the problem but wanted to give you an option in the meantime!


Who Would You Do? Version 30

Hey guys!

Sorry for missing the Sunday Funnies this last week… I have been dealing with a lot of crap lately and have been very distracted. Thanks for understanding!

Also, “The Blog Problem of the Week” this week is some visitors, when using the image carousel, are not being able to easily right click on a photo and “Save Image As” because that option does not show up. I am aware of it and trying to track down the source of the issue, so please be patient with me.

I DID however discover that if you have this problem, you can do the following to save a particular photo: Right click on the image you want to save and then without selecting an option, right click again on a different part of the photo and the “Save Image As” option SHOULD appear and allow you to select it.

You can also right click and open image in a new tab or window and then right click on the photo and the “Save Image As” option will appear.

I know it is a hassle to have to do all these steps just to save a photo and am actively looking for a solution. If none of what I just said makes ANY sense, do not hesitate to leave a comment or send me an e-mail to:

And now on to the polls for this week!

In the first poll, I am going to choose “Runner Boy 1”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I am going to pick “All of the Above”!

So, Who Would YOU Do?

Self Portrait Saturday

Hey Guys!

Sorry for the late post! I have not been feeling all that great the last couple of days.

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend!


Who Would You Do? Version 29

By the lack of complaints, I am going to assume that the ability to scroll through the photos – especially the Self Portrait Saturday pics, is working again! I am happy to (not) hear that!

Does anybody know what time it is???

It is time for some POLLS! Here are the polls for this week…

In the first poll, I am going to choose “Butt Boy 6”.

So, tell me, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I am going with “Porn Boy 1”.

So, tell me, Who Would YOU Do?


Hey guys!

Sorry the funnies were late today. I JUST noticed that they did not post as scheduled at midnight.

Also, I FINALLY managed to fix (I hope) the image scrolling feature. You should now be able to click on an image and then swipe or click the little arrow or the left or right arrows on your keypad to move to the next or previous picture.

If anyone has any problems with this… and I hope you don’t, PLEASE let me know so I can try and fix it.


Sunday Funnies


I hope you are all having a great weekend!

I also want you to know that I am aware that you guys cannot scroll or swipe through the picture like you could before. I am sorry about that. The program that I used to use to allow you to do that WAS free… NOW they want to charge a fee. I am currently trying to find a replacement program to put into place, but it may take me a week or so. Please be patient with me. I know that it makes looking at the pics so much easier and I really want to bring it back.

Anyway, enjoy your Sunday and the upcoming week!




Wordplay Meme Answers

👉Four-wheel drive👈
👉Apple Pie👈
👉Up to you (s) (must be from Philly “youz guys”)👈
👉Robin Hood👈
👉Afternoon Tea👈
👉Camping Overnight👈
👉Time to go👈
👉Long Time No See👈

Self Portrait Saturday

Hey everyone!

I hope everyone’s weekend is going well!

Things here are going ok. I wanted to thank everyone for all the wonderful comments and the few donations that were sent to me! I GREATLY appreciate both! I would like to ask that the ones who donated $100.00 send me an e-mail so I can get an address to send the flash drive to!

Thank you again to EVERYONE for being here!


Who Would You Do? Version 28

Hey guys!

Thank you all SO much for the warm wishes on the sites 15th Anniversary!

Here are the polls for this week!

In the first poll, I am going to choose “Swimmer Boy 3”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I am going with “Naked Boy 5”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

Guess who just turned 15!!!

Who wants to take a stroll down memory lane with me?

On this date in the year 2009 I was sitting in my bedroom that I rented in a 6 bedroom/2 bath apartment two blocks from the beach at the Pacific Ocean in San Francisco, California where I shared an apartment with 5 total strangers. I had NEVER lived with someone I had never known before, but in San Francisco it was and, I believe, still is a very common occurrence. It was uncomfortable for me. I had only ever lived in my own apartment or with a boyfriend before. It was an interesting experience, to say the least. I mainly stayed in my room when I was not out exploring the amazing City of San Francisco and all the cool things the City has to offer! It was from my tiny little desk in that tiny bedroom where was born. I can’t believe that this blog has been going, pretty much nonstop, for 15 YEARS! I didn’t stay in that apartment very long. I convinced my ex-boyfriend, Jason, who is now my BEST FRIEND, to give up everything he owned to pack some clothes, and I sent him a one-way plane ticket so he could hop on a plane from Chicago to San Francisco so we could once again be roommates and start a new chapter of our lives in Sunny California!

We ended up finding an apartment in El Cerrito, California, which was a town just across the San Francisco Bay. After a few years, we decided to move back to Chicago because rent was so high in California… We packed up a U-Haul truck at the end of January and drove across the country – in the dead of winter – through 2 different blizzards so that we could be in Chicago by February 2nd – Jason’s birthday. It was quite possibly the WORST decision we ever made!!! The blizzard was one of the top 5 worse blizzards that Chicago had EVER seen. The U-Haul truck got stuck in the deep snow in the alley behind our new apartment for 3 days – WITH all our belongings locked inside. We tried for hours to shovel it out, but we were no match for the snow. We were finally able to get someone to help us get the truck out – but it took 2 large tow trucks to do it. After that we said we would never move again! But wouldn’t you know that the summer was a real sweltering one… We both missed EVERYTHING about California (and still do today!). So, we decided after 7 short months to, once again, pack up a U-Haul and drive across the country again to California. We landed in Berkeley, which is also just over the San Francisco Bay Bridge in the East Bay.

We had never seen the apartment complex or the apartment into which we were moving. When we pulled up in the truck, Jason literally had an emotional breakdown. The building was NOT what we were used to… I don’t mean to sound like a snob, because I’m not, but it was in a very questionable neighborhood and the building looked a little like a prison because it was surrounded by 8-foot-high spiky fencing. And THEN we got our first look at the apartment! HOLY CRAP was it small!!! It was a two bedroom, but the kitchen was about the same size as the bathroom – which was like a small closet. We were told that the apartment would be newly painted – which it wasn’t – and it SMELLED HORRIBLY! The walls were brown from grease and the ceiling of our unit was LITTERALLY the floor of the unit above us. I am serious! You could see into the upper apartment through small holes in the ceiling/floor! It was SOOO bad that we ended up staying in a nearby motel for 3 nights while we waited for them to get the apartment ready for us. Both of us were REALLY having second thoughts about moving to Berkeley. But we made it work and ended up staying there for something like 6 years. We even became Resident Property Managers of the building – which was both good and bad. Good because we got a SMALL discount on the rent, and it was now in our power to make the building nicer. Bad because neither of us knew how MUCH work it would take to make it nice, not to mention all the problems of overseeing a building in a so-so neighborhood, the crime and homelessness was everywhere.

Over those 6 years a lot of things changed – at least for me. My father had been diagnosed and died from Alzheimer’s and then about 6 months later my brother passed away from a brain tumor. I only had one relative left and that was my sister – who lived in Wisconsin at that time. I decided that I wanted to be closer to her, logistically and emotionally. I was imagining that we as siblings would grow closer if I was closer to her physically. Well, I was wrong. I convinced Jason to pick up and move back to the Midwest, to Wisconsin to be exact. Shortly after I moved closer to my sister, she ended up moving out of Wisconsin to Michigan. She would now be physically further away and my dream of becoming closer to her never happened – despite me giving it a good try. It just wasn’t going to happen.

So, there we were – stuck in Sheboygan Wisconsin. It was a nice lowkey town with very little crime but also with very little to do. We were 3 hours from Chicago, and an hour from Milwaukee – which is where all my doctors would end up being. It was a hassle to go see the doctor – especially in winter.

Fast forward 4 years of life in Sheboygan, I have a dear friend who is up there in years and not doing well medically who lives in the suburbs of Chicago. I have this need – sometimes unhealthy need – to help people, so I managed to convince Jason to move to Illinois so I could be closer so I could spend time with her and help when I could. The move has been a rough one, but I think it was the right thing to do because we both wanted to get out of Wisconsin. Now before those of you who live in Wisconsin start saying, “What’s wrong with Wisconsin?” please know that I spent the first 17 years of my life living in a TINY town of 3,000 people in Northern Wisconsin. Being gay in a small town – especially back then – was not an easy thing to do. I needed to get out so I could truly be ME. So, I moved to downtown Chicago where I didn’t know a single person and that is where my life truly started.

If you made it this far through this story, you are probably wondering WHY am I even telling you all this??? Some of you have been with me since my days in San Francisco and some of you are new to this blog. You all give me SO much with your comments, emails and yes, some donations. I thought I should give you a little back – something that isn’t porn. So, THIS is what you get! I hope you like it because it cannot be returned! Lol.

With ALL of that said, those of you who have followed my site for all these years, know that I do this blog with NO ads or pop-ups. I pay monthly for the site hosting and the extra highspeed internet service needed to upload so many photos. I TRY to post regular posts like Who Would You Do, Self Portrait Saturday and Sunday Funnies. I strive to post even more often with a variety of different pictures, but sometimes – especially lately – life gets in the way.

But after 15 years – the blog goes on (and on and on… lol). Some of you have been with me through struggles and heartbreak, like when we lost our dog Phoenix. Some of you have been with me through the joys as well, like when we added Bonnie to our little family. And I hope you will all be with me for everything that is yet to come.
Now that have bored you all to death… I just wanted to remind everyone that YOU can help keep this blog running! As much as I hate doing it, I do accept donations to help offset costs. As I always have, I will still send anyone who is able to donate $100.00 or more, a flash drive with ALL the photos from the entire 15 years! That is over 220,000 pictures including over 118,200 self-portraits! All totaled it is over 47GB of pictures!!! All on one 256GB flash drive so you will have LOTS of room for all the photos I have yet to post or to move your current porn collection off your computer to free up some space! Lol.

I accept donations of ANY size – so if you can’t donate a lot, that’s cool. Anything helps. But I also know that not everyone is in a position or has the spare cash to donate – and that is cool too! I totally understand! I try to support various sites and charities when I can, but that is unfortunately not often lately. If you can donate – know that I appreciate it more than words can express. But if you can’t donate – please do not feel bad. I am just happy you are here and hopefully enjoying what I post.
Donations can be made via the banking app Zelle Pay to my account: or via PayPal via my account: If neither of those options work for you and you really do want to make a donation, send me an e-mail to: and we can try to figure out other options.

Thank you all for reading this LONG post and I hope I didn’t bore you too much.

As I said, I am really glad you are here, and I hope to continue to bring you many posts in the future!

Jason ❤️❤️❤️
(Oh, and Bonnie 🐾 and the other Jason 🙋‍♂️ say hello!)

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