Hi there!
I haven’t done one of these posts in a while, so I thought you could use it!
Hi there!
I haven’t done one of these posts in a while, so I thought you could use it!
Hey guys…
Here is the latest on my wrist… nothing has changed yet. I had my MRI but am still waiting for the doctor to get back to me with her interpretation of the results. I will keep you all updated when I get some more information. Thank you to EVERYONE who has sent me well wishes! I appreciate each and every word!
Now, as a side note… Does anyone in Canada or maybe Costa Rica, or pretty much ANY other democratic country want to sponsor two guys and a dog so they can move to a different country? Asking for a friend…
I know that I usually stay away from politics on this site, but people need to know that not everyone in America agrees with, thinks like, or wants what the person who holds the office of President of the United States says or does. The events that transpired at the White House on Friday with the President of Ukraine were embarrassing. I know that some of you may not agree with me and that you may no longer be a fan of this site, but I CANNOT stay silent when he is supposed to be representing ALL the American people and SO MANY Americans do NOT agree with him, even a LOT of people who voted for him.
I am going to TRY and promise that I am not going to turn this blog into a political site, but I feel that if those who disagree with their “leaders” and stay silent when they do something unacceptable, then they are almost as bad as the person or people who are flushing everything that America has stood for and that good men and women have died for down the toilet.
OK, I am done. I apologize for venting, but I am watching the news as I put this post together and I am bit riled up, as you can tell.
Ok now I am REALLY done and hope everyone can understand why I had to say something.
ANYWAY, here are the selfies for this week and I hope you enjoy them!
With the cooler weather now here and the lack of daylight… I have been dreaming about Summer.
Hey guys!
OK… everyone try it again. I have changed the program once more at 3:01pm Central time on 10/26/24. Please, as usual, PLEASE let me know if it is working for you or not. Thanks. PS. The scrolling arrows are on the bottom of your screen. IF they happen to disappear, just click on the photo again and they should pop up. You should ALSO be able to right-click and save the image, should you want to. To exit the slide show, press the ESC key.
IF things are working – The images should show on your screen and the move right or left arrows should be stationary. You should ALSO be able to use your keyboard left/right arrows to scroll to the previous/next picture. I am sorry for the problems! Thanks for your patience while I try to fix things…
PLEASE leave a comment or send me an e-mail to boyohboi@gmail.com and let me know if things work or don’t work for you. I want everyone to have a pleasurable experience on the site.
I got an e-mail from someone who mentioned that they like couples… SOOO… Here are some couple sefies for your viewing enjoyment!
I hope your weekend is going well!
Hey guys!
Sorry for the lack of the Sunday Funnies last week. My wrist is flaring up and I have had to wear the wrist brace which makes it very hard to use the computer.
As a special treat today, I am giving you what I like to call “Mini Silent Gay Porn Movies”. They are really just GIF files. I only posted a few because they can take longer to load on some computers and they also eat up more of my allotted resources on my hosting plan.
I hope they are all visible to everyone and I hope you guys enjoy them!
Some black and white pics (mostly) to brighten up your Monday!
I thought I would try something new today. Say Hello to the new “Hello From Below” post. I don’t think I need to really explain what it means… But over the years I have heard from a lot of people who said this is their favorite view, it is one of my favorite views as well. And I have A LOT of these pictures!!!
I TRIED very hard to not post any duplicates, but after a while of staring at cocks from below, the start to all look alike! LOL! So, if you see any duplicates, I apologize.
I am also STILL trying to figure out the problem with leaving comments. I know when it happened, but I don’t know WHY it happened. In the meantime, if you want to comment, you can do so on an individual picture once you click on it. Or you can always send me an e-mail to boyohboi@gmail.com
I hope you guys enjoy today’s post!
Hey guys!
I hope you are all doing well.
I have had some requests for more Action shots, so here you go!
Hey everyone!
I hope your week is off to a good start! I have not posted a “More Than One” post in quite some time and thought it was due. Believe it or not, I had put these in some sort of order but for some reason when I save the post, the pictures end up being out of order again. 🤬 So I am sorry about that.
I hope you guys enjoy!