Self Portrait Saturday


Hey Everyone!

I managed to put together a Self Portrait Saturday post!!! YAY ME! lol.

Please be sure to complete the poll so I know how many is TOO many!




Hey guys! If you can believe it, I have been fucking around with this post for 3 days! And there are ONLY 20 pics!!! I am STILL trying to fix things on this end, although it may not seem like it from your perspective. lol.

I wanted to post SOMETHING today, so this is all I could give you. I am NOW going to try working on the Self Portrait Saturday post for this week. Please let me know if there are any issues with viewing the pics today, so I can fix the problem(s).


No post today, sorry!


Hey guys!

I was totally planning on doing a Who Would You Do? poll today, but 2 things happened.  1. When I had to start the site over, I had to reinstall the polling software.  Well I had a PRO account that I paid for which allowed me to do the polls the way I wanted, but lost the PRO status, when I reinstalled it.  I have sent a message to the people who run the software and am still waiting for a message back.

And then there is problem 2.  I, somehow, screwed up my Windows 11 filing system where I store ALL my pictures.  I don’t know how I did it but am trying to fix it.  I didn’t lose any pictures, they just ended up in different directories…  And I am moving them even as I type this, but it takes HOURS because I had them all backed up in “the cloud” and am now downloading them BACK to my computer.

This sucks!  But I promise I will post as soon as I can!
