Self Portrait Saturday

Howdy Doo!

You have probably already noticed that the blog looks different again. Actually, it kinda looks like the OLD blog… I changed the theme in an effort to regain some of the better features like easily being able to “Save Image As” and to bring you larger images in the slideshow. I REALLY hope it is working well for everyone. But, PLEASE, if it is not, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, leave a comment or send me an email to to let me know what is not working!

I hope you are ALL having a great weekend and look forward to “seeing” you tomorrow for the Sunday Funnies!


One thought on “Self Portrait Saturday

  1. Dear Jason,
    Sometimes going backwards is the way to move forwards. Comments are back, in their little balloon! As for saving images, if I just click on an image (and yes, this time there are a couple that are my idea of clickable), then there’s no “save image,” but if I right-click and Open Link in new tab, then save image appears. Is that how it’s supposed to be? If so, ya did it. And at all event’s it’s a, um, “nice” post.

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