Sunday Funnies

Happy Sunday!

Well, so far so good! The new gallery slideshow seems to be working… AND you should be able to right-click and save the image. I know I have said that before, but let’s hope this time it is true!

Enjoy your week!


8 thoughts on “Sunday Funnies

  1. By Jove, I think you’ve finally got it! LOL It worked perfectly no problems at all. I know that you have no control where the pictures come from but the only tiny complaint I have is the pictures that have an extension other than jpg. means I have to convert them to jpg because my picture program doesn’t recognize anything but jpg. That tells you how old the program is. This batch of pictures seemed to be about 50/50. I loved the collection of pictures. Lots more selfies by porno stars or wanna be porno stars and influencers! So keep all the great pictures coming and I’ll deal with the extensions. I hope you’re feeling better.

  2. YUUUGE Thank you for fixing the right click on yesterday’s post. #NotAllHeroes

    Can you reconsider the Trump love. He loves the gays. WE love the gays, soooo we have something in comm… I’m kidding. Jill Stein 2024!!

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