Sunday Funnies

Well, it is Sunday again.

I know this is a “Funnies” post, but I just received word from a friend of the blog who has lost his home and all his precious memories in the unprecedented wildfires devastating Southern California.  Luckily, he and his family are safe.  Words cannot fully capture the depth of sorrow I feel for the immense loss and suffering caused by these wildfires. My deepest compassion goes out to all those affected.

I also know that tragedies happen every day all over the World, from the Middle East, to Ukraine, and the recent hurricanes that hit the Southeast part of the United States.  Every time I turn on the news there is something else that hurts my heart.  I literally can only watch the news for about 5 minutes.

Please consider helping someone in some way, even if it is just to make a phone call to say “Hello”.  If you are wanting to help, there are lots of wonderful charities out there.  Remember that your kindness can be contagious, and the World needs a LOT more kindness!

I kind of thought that a you guys could use the extra chuckles, so there are a LOT of funnies today!

Sending my love to EVERYONE!


7 thoughts on “Sunday Funnies

  1. I howled over the English lesson about “read” and “read.” Or wait, was it maybe “red” and “reed”? Um… I figure that I learned English only because it was shouted at me all day long by hundreds of people. But that leaves the question of how all my Dutch friends speak such good English. Maybe because they have such good cheese?

  2. Losing everything. That is not something that I can even begin to imagine.

    When I was a teenager, I worked on a nearby dairy farm. Sometimes, after work was done and dinner enjoyed, and before they would drive me home, I would wander around the first floor of their century old farmhouse. There was a large room with a magnificent fireplace. I cannot tell you what the furnishings were because I was more interested in the history on the walls and on the mantelpiece. Family photographs going back generations stood four deep on the mantel. The walls were covered with family photos and portraits that were likely well over 100 years old. Never had I seen such a collection. The family history displayed throughout that room was breathtaking.

    Christmas Eve – I kid you not – Christmas Eve fire trucks from multiple companies went past our house in the direction of the dairy. I was home alone not feeling well, the rest family was at Christmas Eve services, and I was going out of my mind unable to go find out where the fire was.

    That wonderful, old, creaky farmhouse had burned to the ground, taking all that history with it. The family was not home, they too were at Christmas Eve services, and they lost everything. I could not begin to imagine their loss, but for me, the loss of all that photographic history struck my soul deeply.

    When I see the news of massive losses, such as are going now in California, where families are losing literally everything, my mind always goes back to that room filled with history, lost forever, and I share, a little bit, in the pain they are going through, be it in California, Gaza, Ukraine, or the homes blown apart by two F4 tornadoes that passed only miles from my home two years ago.

    I count my blessings, and pray for those so horribly devastated.

    • Wow! What a memory! It was beautiful. I too, cannot imagine what these families are going through. I don’t know what I would do.

      Thanks for sharing this!


      • Sort, I didn’t mean that it was a “beautiful” thing that happened, only that the way you told it, with great detail, was beautiful. It seems not ALL was lost in that fire if you still have such vivid memories of it.

    • I inherited a dog from a friend in 2017. The dog I picked up was not the dog I had known; oh, it was the same dog, but different. It took a few hours for me to realize what the difference was. In one sudden moment, Bella lost everything she ever knew. Her one and only human passed away suddenly. Strangers swept her and her life-long playmate out of the only home they ever knew. Her life mate, Sami, was put down by animal control due to her significant medical issues. It was no wonder that she was different, everything she ever knew was gone in an instant; she had no anchor left, she was adrift with nobody and nothing around that she could cling to.

      It took her several months to adjust to her knew environment, my pack of dogs, and 6 fenced acres to play in. It was my incredible honor to provide my friend’s most precious possession a loving, caring home until she passed in 2020.

  3. Hi Jason, its my first time writing to you. Found your website a few months ago and have thoroughly enjoyed every post and story. My favorite place to be on the web! I’m missing your usual Wednesday post. Hope you, Bonnie and other Jason are ok. I get concerned about ya’lls health when you miss a post. Have a wonderful day and keep up the wit and wisdom!

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