Self Portrait Saturday

Hey everyone!

I’m so sorry for the late in the day post! I have been in major pain with my wrist, and it makes it hard to do stuff. Just opening my water bottle or shampooing or brushing my teeth… you get the idea. I met with the wrist doctor this week and he went over my MRI and said that all the plates and screws are in the right place, nothing is loose and there are no screws poking through the bone. He went over my pain symptoms again and said that it is probably due to a compressed disk in my neck. YEARS ago, I had the C6/C7 vertebrae in my neck fused together with another titanium plate and screws. He said that sometimes the disks around it start to degenerate and will compress on nerves that run to my hand. I get that… That is why I had the neck surgery all those years ago, because my left hand was numb. But, while I do agree that there probably is some nerve compression in my neck causing SOME of the pain in my wrist, I don’t think it is the ONLY thing causing the pain.

Anyway, he said that basically he could not really do anything to help as he did not see anything that warranted surgery, and I have maxed out on the number of cortisone injections that I can have. He suggested that I see a neurologist. YAY! Another doctor! I am currently in the process of trying to find one near me. He said he did not know anyone to refer me to, which I just feel is odd. He is an orthopedic surgeon – he works with bones all day. He does not know ANY neurologists??? Apparently not.

SO, I apologize if some days the posts are late or missed. I am at the mercy of my wrist at the moment.

ANYWHO… I hope your weekend is going well! Here are the selfies for this week!


2 thoughts on “Self Portrait Saturday

  1. Jason,
    Something doesn’t sound right here.

    The plates, screws and such bothers me. Some years ago a friend of mine’s MRI showed everything normal for all his leg hardware, but the pain made it almost impossible to walk. Turned out that one of the screws was pinching (or rubbing, I don’t remember) his sciatic nerve. Something to think about, that you might have a nerve being pinched or rubbed.

    Possibly you need to get checked for spinal stenosis?

    I have to ask: did your doctor say why he didn’t have a referral or recommendation? Possibly some doctors retired, or there was a big turnover in town? Or maybe this guy has been blacklisted for some reason?

    I’m impressed that with all you’ve been through over the years, you persist in maintaining this website. My hat is off to you, and I’m rooting for you!

  2. Sorry for the pain you are experiencing with your hands and wrist and hope you can get relief soon. Thanks for continuing to post despite your pain.

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