Sunday Funnies

Hey guys!

FIRST, I would like to wish my BEST FRIEND and roommate and basically a non-sexual partner in life, a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope the day is memorable – but in a good way. lol.

So, how is your weekend going? Doing anything fun?

Here are a couple of pictures of Bonnie with one of her favorite toys. This toy actually “moos” when you squeeze it. She has a couple of toys made by this toy company – that sadly does not make these toys anymore. “Mr. Moo Moo” and “Mr. Quackers”, the duck are her ALL TIME favorite toys. The one’s she has are old and yucky and are on the verge of not mooing or quacking any longer due to being well loved and also dying batteries. Jason wrote the toy company, and they said for “safety reasons” they are no longer making talking toys with batteries in them. Which, I kind of understand, but Bonnie is NOT a toy destroyer, and she LOVES, LOVES, LOVES these toys. If anyone has a “black market” seller, let me know… LOL.

ANYWAY, these pictures put a smile on my face and isn’t THAT what Sunday Funnies are about?!?



Self Portrait Saturday

Hey everyone!

I hope your weekend is going well. I am feeling good… one day… then like crap the next. This cough is deep in my chest and it kind of hurts. My doctors don’t think it is anything to be too concerned about and that I should continue taking the guaifenesin like I am doing. I know this is nowhere NEAR the degree of other people’s experience with COVID and I am grateful that it is not worse, and I am not in the hospital. Like everyone, I just get sick of being sick sometimes.

ANYWAY! That is not the reason you are here today!!! Below are all the selfies you have been looking for!
