Self Portrait Saturday

Hey guys!

Happy Saturday!

I am exhausted tonight because I just spent 5 hours at my doctor’s office! (nothing major, he was just running behind schedule) So please forgive me for not writing more.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend!!!


2 thoughts on “Self Portrait Saturday

  1. Hi Jason,

    I am really torn between whether I hate your site, or love your site.

    I flip through all these photos (perfect amount these days BTW), and wonder where all these guys were when I was on the prowl. But, then, I have to be honest, I had plenty of guys like these when I was on the prowl. So, you bring back memories, memories of a long time ago. Mostly I like those memories; sometimes they really, really make me feel old.

    Number 69. Oh, number 69. Just waiting to have long gentle love made to him. Getting old SUCKS!


    • I think I can relate, Jim. I have a whole bunch of memories that bring me joy for about 5 minutes but then I realize I is only a memory and that most of my “glory days” are behind me… that makes me both sad and mad.

      I hate getting older too. You are in good company!


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