Who Would You Do? Version 27

Happy Wednesday!

I MAY have done it! I MAY have fixed the problem with you guys not being able to leave comments!!!!!!!!!!! I have been working on this since I was first alerted to it back in June! I have tried many, MANY different things to try to get things working again, nothing worked until TODAY! (I HOPE!)

Thank you for your patience while I tried to fix this problem. Now, if you guys could PLEASE try leaving me comments, I would appreciate it VERY much! I miss hearing from you all!!!

Anyway, it is time for the weekly polls!

In the first poll, I am going to choose “Swimmer Boy 1”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I think I will go with “Naked Boy 6” (the guy in the front).

So, Who Would YOU Do?

6 thoughts on “Who Would You Do? Version 27

  1. I have to admit that this week’s crop don’t quite stir my lusty side. No accounting for taste, or, as I prefer to state it, De gustibus non est disputandum. Hey, what’s wrong with muttering in Latin? Yeah, ya wanna make somethin’ of it? Huh? Huh?

    But if your wrist is improving, now that’s something to cheer for.

    • Hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinion etiamsi unus sit iniuria! Just kidding! I am sorry I could not trigger your lusty side this week! Hopefully next week will be better!

  2. I much prefer the second picture with all the Bel Ami boys and their friends. Maybe from when they went to Columbia. At any rate it’s good to see that your persistance finally paid off by fixing the comment problem. I really enjoy all the effort you put into this blog.

  3. WHOO, back in business comment wise. Regarding your wrist I am refraining on the job injury joke due to the website.

    I personally always prefer the guys next door, non Bel Ami Porn Clones.

  4. Thanks for the work you put into this site.

    The second one is so difficult, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8?
    Eventually I went with 6 for his nice teeth and he looks like he would be fun.

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