Self Portrait Saturday

Happy Saturday everyone!

I hope you are all having a good weekend so far!

Once again, I am experiencing some severe wrist pain. I am going to get another cortisone injection, but apparently you can only get another one after 3 months. So, I have to wait until December 5th. I have been trying to kill the pain with everything I can think of – at least the over-the-counter stuff… but nothing is working. So, I guess I wait until December.

Anyway, enjoy your weekend!


6 thoughts on “Self Portrait Saturday

    • Thanks for the suggestion. Actually I have tried lidocaine and Voltaren gel, the lidocaine helps a little I think, but I have also taken ALL of the over the counter pain relievers, and none make any difference.

      I’ll probably keep trying to find something though.

      Thanks for thinking of me!


  1. Jason, I’m so sorry to hear this. Looking at it sensibly, you can’t go around in constant pain, so if neither lidocaine nor voltaren (the two strongest agents available OTC) do the trick, you need to get tough with the doctors and get them to find some solution: preferably fixing your wrist, but at least some agent that relieves the pain. It’s too easy for modern doctors to “give him a shot and get him to go away.” So give ’em hell! Make them do their job!

    • I love the fight you possess! I plan on giving them hell on Monday! Doctors now days refuse to prescribe any kind of opioid pain relievers… even if they work and I am not at risk of getting addicted. On top of that I am a redhead, who often have the MC1R gene mutation which makes us redheads process pain medication differently. We require more anesthesia for operations too. I have not yet been tested for the MC1R mutation but I suspect that is part of the problem. I plan on getting a test with my next blood work up. Because being in pain sucks!

      Thank you again for putting a fire in my spirit! I needed that!!!


  2. you can “mix” ceertain painkillers. if you are taking any that are “paracetamol” based, you can intermix with anything that contains” ibruprofen”. so you take the one that lasts 4 hrs, then 2 hrs in, take the other.:)

    • Thanks Steve!

      I actually have been mixing those and I have tried mixing with regular aspirin and also naproxen. I can’t find any combination that will work. I also have been taking Meloxicam. I need to be careful because too many pain relievers can harm your liver and kidneys.

      But thank you for the suggestion!


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