Who Would You Do? Version 43

Hey guys!

Sorry for the late post today! My wrist has been hurting (AGAIN!). I am supposed to have an MRI of it,but have been having problems with scheduling it.

Anyway, here are the polls for this week!

In the first poll, I am going to choose “Sporty Boy 3” although it was a close call with “Sporty Boy 1”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I think I will pick “Porn Boy 2”. I was torn between him and “Porn Boy 3”, but I hate to say it, I went with penis size to break the tie. lol.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

2 thoughts on “Who Would You Do? Version 43

  1. I’ve been around long enough to know of William Higgins reputation. He has always had the best models in every way. This poll was a disappointing selection of William Higgins models (nothing personal Mr. Jason). Mr. Higgins passed away in 2019, perhaps his exquisite taste in men went with him, tarnishing the reputation of William Higgins Productions.

    • Hi Alyn!

      Thanks for your comments! I take no offense to you being disappointed in the selection of William Higgins’ models in this week’s post. You are right, he did have great taste in models. This picture is probably very old though. I don’t think that someone else is making porn using his name (although I could be mistaken). I just have had the picture in my files for a very long time.

      Thanks for saying how you feel! I greatly appreciate hearing from you!


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