Who Would You Do? Version 44

Happy Wednesday!

Sorry for the late day posting! I have been dealing with a bunch of crap, as usual. Last week I told you I was going to get an MRI for my wrist to find out what is causing the pain. Well, I STILL have not been able to schedule one because the hospital keeps saying that they have not received the order for the MRI. The doctor has faxed it over 4 times now and they STILL do not show it. I can’t get the MRI until the doctor’s orders are received.

To top that off, I recently went to the dermatologist to take care of some pre-cancerous spots on my face and scalp. Well, the medicine she prescribed was supposed to be applied twice a DAY for a WEEK. I applied it ONCE and my face and scalp are in SO MUCH PAIN and my face is covered in unsightly red spots. The doctor told me that the spots would get red and told me how to take care of them, but I cannot stand the pain after just one application. I need to find some other sort of treatment, which will probably involve liquid nitrogen… Does ANYONE out there have experience with this? If so, PLEASE tell me how you took care of the problem. I am afraid of the pre-cancerous spots becoming cancerous, but there has to be a better way to treat this!

AND on TOP OF THAT… My bestie/roommate just tested positive for COVID this morning. He just started a new job too. What else will happen this week???

Anyway, thank you for allowing me space to vent. I feel a little better just getting it off my chest.

SO, without further hesitation, here are the polls for this week!

In the first poll, I am going to choose “Pool Boy 1”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I am going to pick “Porn Boy 3”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

4 thoughts on “Who Would You Do? Version 44

  1. Jason,
    Coming from the desert, sunburn was a way of life. I’ve had many spots on my head (and will get them for the rest of my life), some pre-cancerous, some cancerous. I’ve had both carcinoma and melanoma, those had to be operated. The rest, a spray, a couple of Tylenol, and patience. I’ve never had the liquid.
    Being nervous is normal. I was, except for being a bit freaked out over the carcinoma and melanoma. For those I recommend a stronger pain killer.
    (and possibly a sedative) The second time I was in the doctor’s office, he sprayed 14 (really!) spots on my head. The next day there were a couple of college students who came in to clean my apartment. One quipped that I looked like either a creature from the deep, a meth user, or a zombie! What a laugh!

    • Hi Paul!

      Thanks for your comments! Sorry you had to experience all that! I guess I will just have to have the liquid nitrogen… I am not strong enough to inflict that kind of pain on myself for a week, I would rather have someone else do it!

      Thanks for the comment again!


  2. Oh my! Are you sure there aren’t any more zaps waiting in the wings? On the whole I’d say you haven’t missed one. Oy, oy, oy; sometimes life gets to be more than one can live with.

    Unfortunately I haven’t much to recommend. You can try beating the hospital staff briskly about the head, but this has a low success rate. Maybe you’ll have to bring them the MRI order in person — ridiculous, but it should work.

    I can mention that liquid-nitrogen treatment is well understood and is reputed to have few after-effects, so if that’s what you need it should go easily. For now, take a deep breath, make a cup of tea, and “just get on with things,” as my grandmother used to say. She applied that rule to the Blitz of London, and got through fine.

    • Thank you for the wise words! I actually have considered delivering the MRI order in person! I just may have to do that.

      I appreciate your comments and hope you are doing well!!!


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