Self Portrait Saturday

Hey everyone!

I hope your weekend is going well. I am feeling good… one day… then like crap the next. This cough is deep in my chest and it kind of hurts. My doctors don’t think it is anything to be too concerned about and that I should continue taking the guaifenesin like I am doing. I know this is nowhere NEAR the degree of other people’s experience with COVID and I am grateful that it is not worse, and I am not in the hospital. Like everyone, I just get sick of being sick sometimes.

ANYWAY! That is not the reason you are here today!!! Below are all the selfies you have been looking for!


6 thoughts on “Self Portrait Saturday

  1. Good morning. Here in Texas there are lots of people sick with an unknown viral upper respiratory infection. People are experiencing cough, sore throat, fever, headache and sinus pain. Almost everyone is negative for flu and COVID. I’ve had several co-workers out with it.

    I hope you feel better soon.

  2. I have a suggestion. Would it be possible for you to produce, maybe once or twice a month and not on a Saturday, a couples selfies layout? Similar to the single selfies layout you produce every Saturday. The couples would be doing nothing other than just posing nude together, hopefully full frontal and with faces showing. I think you did this at least once in the past. Is this possible?

    • Hi Daniel!

      Thanks for the suggestion. That is a very specific request! But I will certainly try to fulfill it. Couples selfies are a lot harder to come by.


      • If it is too difficult maybe best to forget the suggestion. If you do run by some, instead of passing them by, please do post the few you find as part of the Saturday line-up.

        Also, a few weeks ago, you posted a picture of a young guy with a purple shirt and a cowboy hat sitting on the corner of the bed. The picture is 192828750,jpg. If you run into more of this guy, please post them too.


        • Thanks Daniel! I will still try to do a special post if I can. Let me look into the photo of the “cowboy” you are referring to and see if I can muster some other photos of him!


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