Self Portrait Saturday

Happy Saturday Everyone!

Just an update… I was able to not only make an appointment with the neurosurgery office, but I actually went to my appointment already! She ordered a DIFFERENT MRI and some X-rays of my neck to check for compressed disks. I was able to get the X-rays today, but the first available appointment for the MRI was not until February 25th. So, I have to wait a little longer than I would like, but at least the appointment is on the books! Luckily, I also just received my prescription for pain pills, which actually NEED to be about 3 times stronger, honestly. I am supposed to “only” take one every 4 hours or so as needed. Through trial and error, I have found that I need to take at LEAST 2 at a time to get any relief. I can hear some of you already… “YOU SHOULD’T TAKE THAT MANY!” I know, I hear it from Jason too. But in my defense, I am actually a natural redhead and sometimes they need increased anesthesia and higher dosages of pain medications to feel the same effect as “normal” people due to a genetic mutation. I am one of those people. ANYWAY, just like I tell Jason, I PROMISE to becareful so I don’t overdose. In the unlikely event that I do, I have some Narcan in the house to reverse the effect. Not that I want to test it. But I REALLY NEED some kind of relief from this pain. I hate wincing in pain every time I use my right arm.

So, on to the Saturday Selfies! I promised someone that I would try to post more couples/more than one photos and I have posted some below. Now, to this person, I KNOW they are probably NOT EXACTLY what you wanted, but I wanted at least give you a few. I hope they are OK.

Enjoy your Saturday!

One thought on “Self Portrait Saturday

  1. PLEASE be careful you dont take too many painkilling drugs, dont go over the prescribed dose, you risk kidney and pancreas damage, as well as damaging the lining of your stomach…..yes, this is real and you wont know you have caused damage, untill its too late and the damage is done. Please, for all of us out here that care about your health [ and your pic posts too]. dont overdose, drugs do damage that cant be repaired.

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