Who Would You Do? Version 29

By the lack of complaints, I am going to assume that the ability to scroll through the photos – especially the Self Portrait Saturday pics, is working again! I am happy to (not) hear that!

Does anybody know what time it is???

It is time for some POLLS! Here are the polls for this week…

In the first poll, I am going to choose “Butt Boy 6”.

So, tell me, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I am going with “Porn Boy 1”.

So, tell me, Who Would YOU Do?

4 thoughts on “Who Would You Do? Version 29

  1. Yes, comment and scrolling all good now. Thank you.
    The second one was hard, no pun meant. I did not like the look of any of the cocks, so they eyes have it, and I like a slight malevolence in the eyes of number three.

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