Who Would You Do? Version 21

Hey guys!

I wasn’t 100% sure I would be able to get a post out today. We had a situation… I let Bonnie out on our tiny patio to look for squirrels, but within about 15 seconds of going out there, she got COVERED in 50 or more hornets! They were attacking her ruthlessly and she would not come in when I frantically called for her. I ran out there and started swatting the hornets off of her but that just made them pissed off and then even MORE hornets kept coming! I had to grab her (mind you she is 83 pounds) and drag her back into the apartment while swatting the hornets off of her and they had started to cover and stinging me too. I eventually got her in and killed the hornets that made it into the apartment. I have never seen SO MANY hornets in my life and especially not ones this aggressive! Well, Bonnie was acting weird and had some stings under her eyes and on her legs and ears. Then she had to go out to the bathroom, and she had diarrhea. That scared me even more, so I contacted the vet, and they told me to take her to the emergency vet right away. Before we left for the vet, we had given her 3 Benadryl tablets to help with any allergic reaction. We drove 14 minutes to the emergency vet and took her in. We were remarkably seen right away by a nurse. She looked Bonnie over and said that we did the right thing by giving her the correct dosage of Benadryl. In the time it took us to get to the vet, the Benadryl had apparently started working and some of the sting swelling had already started to go down. So now we have a $300.00 emergency vet bill which we can’t pay at the moment. I am just GLAD that Bonnie seems to be OK. Why are medical expenses, whether it is for humans or pets, so fucking expensive???!!!

Oh well, Bonnie is resting peacefully, I am an exhausted mess.

Anyway, that was my night… How was YOURS?

Now on to the polls!!!

In the first poll, I am going to go with “Butt Boy 1”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I am choosing “All of the Above”, but I am going to start and end with “Porn Boy 3”!

So, Who Would YOU Do?

2 thoughts on “Who Would You Do? Version 21

  1. On August 26 you published beautiful Animated GIF. Thanks a lot fot that especially for the boy in the cloakroom (4th ligne on the left). I already saw him but not naked! He is really beautiful. Do you know where to find the video in a better quality? Thanks again

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