Self Portrait Saturday – More Than One *** UPDATE Number 2 ***

Hey guys!

OK… everyone try it again. I have changed the program once more at 3:01pm Central time on 10/26/24. Please, as usual, PLEASE let me know if it is working for you or not. Thanks. PS. The scrolling arrows are on the bottom of your screen. IF they happen to disappear, just click on the photo again and they should pop up. You should ALSO be able to right-click and save the image, should you want to. To exit the slide show, press the ESC key.

IF things are working – The images should show on your screen and the move right or left arrows should be stationary. You should ALSO be able to use your keyboard left/right arrows to scroll to the previous/next picture. I am sorry for the problems! Thanks for your patience while I try to fix things…

PLEASE leave a comment or send me an e-mail to and let me know if things work or don’t work for you. I want everyone to have a pleasurable experience on the site.

I got an e-mail from someone who mentioned that they like couples… SOOO… Here are some couple sefies for your viewing enjoyment!

I hope your weekend is going well!


14 thoughts on “Self Portrait Saturday – More Than One *** UPDATE Number 2 ***

  1. Definitely not working. Only about half the pictures show up on the carousel. The others are either simply blank or circle the rings of hell (I gave up after 10 minutes of circling). FYI – I have a 250GB fiber optic connection directly to the block on the side of my home (speed tested just now wireless @ 242 both download and upload), with 12GB of RAM in my HP laptop running Windows 11. Experience no other connectivity issues with any other external sites.

  2. I hate to tell you this after all your hard work, but I can’t save a picture while using the carousel. However, the workaround is to exit the carousel, and right-click on the thumbnail.
    I can live with this limitation, so don’t put in any more work unless you want to.
    To reproduce this, do the following:
    1) Launch the carousel.
    2) right click on any image.
    Expected: my browser displays a context menu which includes a “Save image as…” option:
    Actual: the following text is displayed: “Hello, this photo is mine!”
    This bug occurs with Firefox, Chrome, and MS Edge running on a Windows 11 PC.

  3. Wouldn’t let me save any of the pictures (clicking on them just triggers a message saying, “Hello. This picture is mine.”). Fortunately, most of these are reposts, but it’s still annoying for the few new photos on here.

  4. It works! Isn’t it nice when the hosting service that you pay so much money to actually lets you do what you want?
    Oh yeah, hot pics too. Very hot.

  5. Nice, so hot! And works fine for me.

    If you need some ideas for future self-portrait Saturdays: Could you maybe do one that features only guys with full, untrimmed bush? I’d looove to see that!

    • Hi Alex! I will see what I can do about the untrimmed bush pics! For some reason, guys these days feel the need to shave, which I am not a big fan of. Trimming, yes, but smooth as glass, not for me. It is hard to find guys that haven’t shaved now days. But I will try!


  6. Hi Jason
    Thanks for all you do for this site. I’m probably in the minority but I find it annoying that the light-right arrows keeping disappearing and you have to retrieve them.

    • Hi Kent! Thank you for your comment! I will look into the disappearing arrow problem, but not sure I will be able to change it. If I can’t change it, I apologize. But thanks for visiting my site!


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