Who Would You Do? Version 48

Hey guys!

I hope everyone’s week is going well and everyone north of the Equator is staying warm! I, for one, am not! It is SOOO cold 🥶🤬 that even Bonnie, with her fur coat, does not want to go out! Our walks have been less than 5 minutes each! In fact, it actually takes me LONGER to put on my warm weather gear – tucking in my shirt, putting on a sweatshirt – or 2, plus my winter coat, putting on my hat, putting up my hood, and putting on my gloves. By the time I get done with all of that I am the one who has to go to the bathroom!!! lol!

Here are the polls for this week!

In the first poll, I think I am going to have to go with “Shirtless Boy 2”.

So, Who Would YOU DO?

In the second poll, I am going to pick “Cocky Boy 2”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

Sunday Funnies

It IS STILL Sunday, right???

I am so sorry for the late post today! I hope everyone is doing well and has enjoyed their weekend!

Here are the Funnies for this week.

Self Portrait Saturday

Happy Saturday Everyone!

Just an update… I was able to not only make an appointment with the neurosurgery office, but I actually went to my appointment already! She ordered a DIFFERENT MRI and some X-rays of my neck to check for compressed disks. I was able to get the X-rays today, but the first available appointment for the MRI was not until February 25th. So, I have to wait a little longer than I would like, but at least the appointment is on the books! Luckily, I also just received my prescription for pain pills, which actually NEED to be about 3 times stronger, honestly. I am supposed to “only” take one every 4 hours or so as needed. Through trial and error, I have found that I need to take at LEAST 2 at a time to get any relief. I can hear some of you already… “YOU SHOULD’T TAKE THAT MANY!” I know, I hear it from Jason too. But in my defense, I am actually a natural redhead and sometimes they need increased anesthesia and higher dosages of pain medications to feel the same effect as “normal” people due to a genetic mutation. I am one of those people. ANYWAY, just like I tell Jason, I PROMISE to becareful so I don’t overdose. In the unlikely event that I do, I have some Narcan in the house to reverse the effect. Not that I want to test it. But I REALLY NEED some kind of relief from this pain. I hate wincing in pain every time I use my right arm.

So, on to the Saturday Selfies! I promised someone that I would try to post more couples/more than one photos and I have posted some below. Now, to this person, I KNOW they are probably NOT EXACTLY what you wanted, but I wanted at least give you a few. I hope they are OK.

Enjoy your Saturday!

Who Would You Do? Version 47

Hey everyone!

I am sitting here on hold for what seems like forever trying to schedule an appointment with a neurosurgeon for the pain in my wrist and I thought I would use the time to make a Wednesday Who Would You Do post. The first person I spoke to at scheduling said the FIRST available appointment what SEPTEMBER 22!!!! WTF?!? I can NOT be in this much pain for THAT long! I am waiting to see if there is another doctor and/or another location that could get me in sooner!

Does my wrist hurt? Yes! But it would hurt no matter what I was doing so why not put up a post, right?! It’s called “multi-tasking” apparently… lol.🤣

Anyway, I also thought that since I had SOOOOO much time to sit here on hold, I might as well give you all an EXTRA poll too!

So, in the first poll, I am going to pick “Shy Boy 2 – Dante”.

Who Would YOU Do?

The second poll is a tough one for me… I think I am going to limit myself to “Butt Boy 2” but could EASILY go with “All of the Above”!

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the third and final poll for this week, my choice is going to be “Trophy Boy 1”, but again, I could EASILY go with “All of the Above” as there is something I like about each of them.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

Sunday Funnies

Happy Sunday!

I hope you all have an AMAZING week!


Self Portrait Saturday

Hey everyone!

I’m so sorry for the late in the day post! I have been in major pain with my wrist, and it makes it hard to do stuff. Just opening my water bottle or shampooing or brushing my teeth… you get the idea. I met with the wrist doctor this week and he went over my MRI and said that all the plates and screws are in the right place, nothing is loose and there are no screws poking through the bone. He went over my pain symptoms again and said that it is probably due to a compressed disk in my neck. YEARS ago, I had the C6/C7 vertebrae in my neck fused together with another titanium plate and screws. He said that sometimes the disks around it start to degenerate and will compress on nerves that run to my hand. I get that… That is why I had the neck surgery all those years ago, because my left hand was numb. But, while I do agree that there probably is some nerve compression in my neck causing SOME of the pain in my wrist, I don’t think it is the ONLY thing causing the pain.

Anyway, he said that basically he could not really do anything to help as he did not see anything that warranted surgery, and I have maxed out on the number of cortisone injections that I can have. He suggested that I see a neurologist. YAY! Another doctor! I am currently in the process of trying to find one near me. He said he did not know anyone to refer me to, which I just feel is odd. He is an orthopedic surgeon – he works with bones all day. He does not know ANY neurologists??? Apparently not.

SO, I apologize if some days the posts are late or missed. I am at the mercy of my wrist at the moment.

ANYWHO… I hope your weekend is going well! Here are the selfies for this week!


Who Would You Do? Version 46

Hey there everyone!

Happy Wednesday! Here are the polls for this week!

In the first poll, I think I am going to choose “Soccer Boy 10” – he has an evil grin, which I can’t say is a turn-off or a turn-on…

Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, we have a trio of sexiness.

I am going to choose “Selfie Boy 1”.

Who Would YOU Do?

Sunday Funnies

Hey guys!

FIRST, I would like to wish my BEST FRIEND and roommate and basically a non-sexual partner in life, a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope the day is memorable – but in a good way. lol.

So, how is your weekend going? Doing anything fun?

Here are a couple of pictures of Bonnie with one of her favorite toys. This toy actually “moos” when you squeeze it. She has a couple of toys made by this toy company – that sadly does not make these toys anymore. “Mr. Moo Moo” and “Mr. Quackers”, the duck are her ALL TIME favorite toys. The one’s she has are old and yucky and are on the verge of not mooing or quacking any longer due to being well loved and also dying batteries. Jason wrote the toy company, and they said for “safety reasons” they are no longer making talking toys with batteries in them. Which, I kind of understand, but Bonnie is NOT a toy destroyer, and she LOVES, LOVES, LOVES these toys. If anyone has a “black market” seller, let me know… LOL.

ANYWAY, these pictures put a smile on my face and isn’t THAT what Sunday Funnies are about?!?



Self Portrait Saturday

Hey everyone!

I hope your weekend is going well. I am feeling good… one day… then like crap the next. This cough is deep in my chest and it kind of hurts. My doctors don’t think it is anything to be too concerned about and that I should continue taking the guaifenesin like I am doing. I know this is nowhere NEAR the degree of other people’s experience with COVID and I am grateful that it is not worse, and I am not in the hospital. Like everyone, I just get sick of being sick sometimes.

ANYWAY! That is not the reason you are here today!!! Below are all the selfies you have been looking for!


Who Would You Do? Version 45

Happy Wednesday!

Here are the polls for this week!

In the first poll, I am going to go with “Smiling Boy 6”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I think I will choose “Nature Boy 2”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?