Because who couldn’t use a good laugh!!!
- It is HELL, THAT is what it is!!!
- More like 4:30pm.
- Me, every night…
- I believe this was a REAL advertisement, but who can resist HOT SEAMEN!
- I will give that one an “A+”!
- I actually took this pic and the other two… Who has a dirty mind…?
- They come in ALL sizes!
- And with long sleeves, apparently…
- Been there…
- If only insurance DID cover them…
- Hmmm…
- WOW! I was going to use this for the Who Would You Do… but couldn’t wait until Wednesday!
- This is one I had never heard before… And I am a redhead!
- Apparently they are not doing it right!
- The PERFECT response!
- Sign me UP!
- I NEED this shirt!
- LOL!!! SO TRUE!!! Total tops don’t fully appreciate all that a bottom must do!
- I can actually seeing these be a HUGE hit at the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco (If I just gave you the idea, I want 30% of the profits!)