About Jason

It's ME!

Sunday Funnies

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!

Self Portrait Saturday

Happy Saturday Everyone!

Yes, I know the post is late… Sorry. It goes without saying (but I am going to say it anyway), my wrist is still hurting. I have good days and bad days. Yesterday was one of those bad days. Man, I can’t WAIT to see the neurologist on April 1st! I just hope there is something, ANYTHING he can do to help.

Anyway, since I felt bad for the late post, I included an extra 30 pics for you guys today! Enjoy!


Seeing Red

Hi there!

I haven’t done one of these posts in a while, so I thought you could use it!


Who Would You Do? Version 52

Happy Wednesday guys!

Not sure if it is the warm weather, or the fact that the pain in my wrist seems better today, but I am in a good mood! YAY!

Bonnie and I just got back from the dog park. She got a little muddy, but seemed to have fun, and we BOTH got some exercise and some fresh air!

I hope you guys are doing well this week!

Because of the good mood, I am giving you guys an extra poll, so be sure to vote on all 3!

In the first poll, I am going to choose “All of the Above”!

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I am, once again, going to choose “All of the Above”!

So, Who Would YOU Do in this one?

In the third and final poll for this week, I am going to limit myself to “Butt Boy 4”!

So, Who Would YOU Do here?

Sunday Funnies

Happy Sunday! Your weekend is OVER! Sorry!

Enjoy some funnies before you start your week!

Self Portrait Saturday

Hey guys! Once again, I am off to a slow start this Saturday! It seems to be my new “norm”.

I have received a bunch of emails and comments from guys that I have yet to respond to, sorry if you are one of them. I am SLOWLY working my way down the list, so PLEASE don’t think I have forgotten about you! The amount of time I am spending on the computer has decreased significantly. I don’t know if I said this already, but I have an appointment with the neurosurgeon on April 1st to discuss all the imaging results and what, if anything, can be done to help. I will be sure to keep you all updated once something changes!

Thank you, guys, for all your continued support, encouragement and medical advice! ALL of it is greatly appreciated!!!

Have a great weekend!

Who Would You Do? Version 51

Hey guys!

Wrist is kind of sore today again… I’m not going to write much because of it.

But here are the polls for this week!

In the first poll, I am going with “Undies Boy 1”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I am going with “Naked Boy 6”.

So, Who Would YOU Do?

Sunday Funnies

Hey guys!

Sorry this post is late and sorry about being in a bad mood yesterday! I am feeling a bit better today (mentally, at least). I think because the sun is actually shining, and it is warm enough to FINALLY take Bonnie to the dog park! Spring approaches! Then you all get to hear me bitch about how fucking hot it is and that I can’t go outside, or I will melt, or something. It is ALWAYS something with me! Lol!

Anyway, here are the funnies for this week! I hope you guys have a great week!


Self Portrait Saturday

Hey everyone.

Not saying much today. My wrist is really hurting and, aside from it making it hard to work on my computer, it also has me in a very bad mood. Sorry!


Who Would You Do? Version 50

Happy Wednesday!

Well, here is the latest update on my ongoing wrist pain issue… I FINALLY heard from the doctor, and she said that there MAY be some narrowing of the little hole in the part of my spine where the nerves to my arm come out, just above where I had the previous titanium plate installed. But I sort of already knew that. SO, she said she wants to have me do a CT scan and some more X-rays where I am intentionally bending my neck (sounds like fun!) and THEN after those are done, I can call BACK to make an appointment with the neurosurgeon who will discuss with me whether or not spine/neck surgery is needed. The first available appointment to get the CT scan is this coming Monday. So, I have an appointment for that. Apparently, they will do the X-rays at the same appointment. Another week of waiting. I can only imagine how long it will take to get an appointment with the actual neurosurgeon… I am guessing it’s going to take a while.

That is my week in a nutshell. So how is YOUR week going? Good, I hope!

Well, without further ado, here are the polls for this week!

In the first poll, I am going to pick “All of the Above”!

So, Who Would YOU Do?

In the second poll, I am going to limit myself to “Pool Boy 3”. And I know it looks like the little thumbnail photo without the numbers on it, located below the poll MAY LOOK like there are only 3 guys in the picture… If you click on it, a full-sized photo will open up. Not sure why it is doing that.

So, Who Would YOU Do?