Enjoy your Sunday everyone!
- I think this all the time…
- Yeah, but with their luck, there was probably a lid on the tank.
- I feel “spontaneous” a lot… My phone number is also on the banks speed dial…
- I certainly wouldn’t mind finding out…
- HA! Can you imagine being named “Dill Dough”??
- Cheeses just move so slow you can’t see it…
- Dad joke.
- “Evidence? What evidence?”
- We all know or have known a couple of these…
- Actually, I am a morning person. For about 20 minutes after I wake up. Then I want to go back to bed.
- NAPS are essential!
- That would be nice!
- If you were going to do a “zoo heist”, which animal would you steal? I think mine would be a seal.
- My political statement for the day…